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The High School


About The

High School Carnival

In 2022 the Shakespeare Carnival will adapt to changing conditions. We aim to gather to celebrate the achievements and performances of our participants, but are ready to shift to an online format if that is safer for our students.

Shakespeare knew about pandemics and his work helps us understand how to live in a time of uncertainty by exploring the complexity of human relations and engaging with the contradictions and paradoxes of life – all while telling stories filled with human passion and silly jokes.

Raise the profile of the arts in your school and allow the students who shine on stage to be rewarded and lauded for their achievements and represent your school at higher levels of The Shakespeare Carnival.

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Registration Deadline 

8 April

[end of term 1]


In-School Carnival Dates

by or on 29 April 
[end of 1st week term 2]

 Regional Carnival Dates 
May 9th - 20th 

Grand Final Weekend
Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th June

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Connecting to Many Learning Areas

The program fits well within the classroom as part of [and a thrilling conclusion to] a unit of work, and create an exciting atmosphere of artistic vibrancy, raising the profile of art based subjects in the school community.


Within a school English, Drama, Art, Music, Dance can all link directly to the Carnival and creative links to other syllabus areas can engage the whole school in the project.


Artistic, Academic and Personal Development

Your students can develop their own pieces in a range of categories and perform at School, Regional and State levels, gaining unparalleled insights into, and experience of, these great plays and developing skills and abilities that are artistic, academic and personal.

For 2022 the categories are:

  • Duologue

  • Ensemble Scene

  • Group Devised

  • Dance

  • Physical Theatre

  • Music Composition

  • Smart Phone Short Film


What do you get for your Registration?

  • A full set of guidelines outlining each category and answering FAQs

  • A set of marking sheets to help you assess each entry in your School Shakespeare Carnival on the same basis used at higher levels

  • How-to sheets to help your students develop their work

  • A Promotion Kit for letting the school community know about the event (for social media and printing)

  • A blank certificate to acknowledge and award to each participant in your school

  • Advice from Sport for Jove on how to organise and run your School Carnival

  • The opportunity to host a Regional Carnival and have the ‘home theatre’ advantage

  • The opportunity to have a Zoom call between your students and the Shakespeare Carnival so they can ask questions, get inspired and seek advice or feedback (we can also use Facetime/Facebook/WhatsApp etc., based on the needs of your school) 

  • The opportunity for your school to send representatives to the Regional Shakespeare Carnival in your area and from there the chance to attend the State Shakespeare Carnival weekend.

  • Video feedback on works in progress: We offer your students directorial feedback on their work in progress if they video it and send it their teacher who can forward it through to us at

  • Scenes and synopsis to aid students in selecting their material and helping them start their investigation into the world of Shakespeare

Tickets to the Carnival will be available for purchase closer to the date.


Incredible Prizes


Winners of their School Carnival will have the chance to attend our Regional Carnivals – experience our workshops and get insight from our judging teams.

Winners at Regional Carnival will be given the chance to enjoy a day long masterclass run by Sport for Jove’s Carnival team of industry professionals to help them develop their skills in preparation for representing their school at the State Carnival.

Winners at the State Carnival will be crowned with our trophy crowns, a regal trophy to be displayed at their school for the year. They will be given a ‘Sash of Triumph’ to permanently acknowledge their achievement.

The acting, dance and movement categories will also win a ‘victory masterclass’ offered by Sport for Jove’s acclaimed artistic team and internationally renowned sponsors like NIDA.

Music and Smart Film categories will be able to join us for the Summer Season of shows and use their skills to create music and media to be played by Sport for Jove as part of this annual event.

Assortment of Books

Downloadable Content

Download any of the following content to help prepare you for the Shakespeare Carnival in 2022!

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Dance Winner Wollongong HSPA B (2).jpg

Feel free to edit them further if you wish to reduce the length or use your own scenes if there is one you're really keen to explore - please get in touch if you'd like help with that process.

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