SFJ Digital
Sport for Jove productions, symposiums, and behind the scenes footage are now available to rent and watch online!
Set the scene...
You're A Student...
Sport for Jove has done it!
...you are studying a very difficult, complex play, often written hundreds of years ago. You have reading materials scattered all over your room trying to keep pace with the ideas you need to understand...
If only you could find a Documentary that gave you the whole picture in one entertaining and relevant package... providing performance, extensive detailed analysis and thorough understanding of the play you are studying, through exactly the prism you are being asked to study them...and above all, made by a theatre company, specialists in interpreting classical plays...well...
We now have an extraordinary catalogue of HSC Symposiums and Productions available for online access, for students and teachers in remote and regional areas, and for metropolitan areas when required.
ABOUT OUR Digital Symposiums

These Digitial Symposiums are entirely curriculum based, derived directly from the NESA Rubrics, and authored and presented by Artistic Director Damien Ryan. Damien has over 25 years experience as an educator and is passionately devoted to furthering students’ understanding of these great plays through clear communication and professional perspectives on how plays work in the theatre.
He has made these symposiums with three central tenets in mind - rigorous application to the texts’ language, context and meaning; relevance at all times to the areas of study and the rubrics in question; and provocative and thoughtful readings and interpretations of texts aimed at encouraging students to develop their own insights and trust their instincts when responding to these great plays. They feature scene work, analysis, and highly specific information at every stage.

Digital Offerings
Purchases and Payment
Purchases must be made by a class teacher, supervisor, or parent. This can be done via our simple online booking form below.
After you have entered your information, we will confirm your booking and create your invoice. Payment can be made via the Department of Education's Payment Portal.
Accessing Digital Offerings
Once your purchase and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent access details.
You will then activate your content via Vimeo and can view on your device of choice. Content is available for 30 days from point of activation.